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Done for You Personal Brand Business
Turning you into a well-known (and well-paid) expert in your field of excellence in 90 days
KATRENA FRIEL | Business Mentor

FREE Masterclass: Embrace yourself as the EXPERT
Here is the recording of the latest masterclass for September 2022. The video includes the first 5 steps in the process, including SWOT,...

16 Operations
We are now going to create our operations plan. It shows more of what we do day to day to deliver on the VISION | MISSION using our...

15 Your Biography
The expression from your life’s journey is a story to be told for inspiration. Every being, carries a story of hope for others. When you...

14 Your Philosophy
It is about knowing the meaning of life. Your life. The Purpose of Life is to learn and grow. The Meaning of life is to help people....

13 Pricing
You want to ensure you are balancing the system. We do this by pricing to our level of self worth and self value. Our sense of worth...

12 Product Offering
This is about putting your business vision into action through your programs and various offerings. We want to see what you are doing to...

11 Avatar
Your Avatar is your Ideal Client. Your niche, the person you can help the most. Third Eye Chakra deals with your intuition, sense of...

10 Structure
Creating the right foundations for anything requires knowledge and experience. You want to be building your business on a bed of honesty...

9 Objectives
We now want to bring you into the HEART of the matter. The details. You have been so far, working in big picture. You have your VISION,...

8 Strategies
We want to now demystify Strategy within your business. No Strategy means NO ACTION We are going to look at 3 main strategies that all...

7 Values
To activate your willpower easily and effortlessly, you need to have your business align with your values around money and business...

6 Mission
This is where we design our mission. Now the VISION is what you share with the World. The MISSION is internal and private to you inside...

5 Vision
Without a big vision to keep us focused and one that we resonate with strongly, fear, anxiety, financial dysfunction and disorganisation...

4 SWOT Analysis
Before you begin to build your business, you need to be tethered into the Earth. We live here, in this dimension. On this Earth, with the...

3 Welcome
This book is an experience, a very interactive experience. It will give you the opportunity to immerse yourself in yourself. Teaching you...

2 About Katrena Friel
Throughout the course of my life and career, my name has become synonymous with transformation, learning and fun. This has led me to be...

1 To you the Dreamer
20 years ago, I left corporate Australia, because I had a dream of becoming a speaker. I was an Activated Life Long Learner and had been...

Episode on WORRY with our resident expert Jac the author of WORRY
A Worry Warts Guide to Self Mastery. To listen click here Also on the interview is Jaron Kito Banks a spiritual leader as well as Katrena...

Interview with Sudden I Impact
Sudden I Impact (sii) is a talk show about discovery, helping people raise their awareness and identify their gifts, finding things in...

The Fearless Women's Summit Sydney | Melbourne 2020
#fearlesswomenssummit #refreshyourthinking #katrenafriel #becomingtheexpert
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