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Interview with Sudden I Impact

Sudden I Impact (sii) is a talk show about discovery, helping people raise their awareness and identify their gifts, finding things in life they enjoy doing, finding their uniqueness, and potentially turning their passions into businesses that thrive, and most of all, living life by plan and design to earn a living doing what they love (the essential thing).

Katrena's 4th show with Dwight Lee (the host).

Click here to listen

Jaron Banks from Power DreamPowerAcademy joins Dwight Lee and Katrena for a one hour show.

About Jaron

I help technology professionals like you multiply your personal effectiveness, chart your own course in life and turn your dreams into reality. The world we live and work in requires us to constantly grow, evolve our thinking, and challenge our current norms to achieve success. The speed and growth of many technology businesses has led many to accept someone else's definition of success. Leaving many unfulfilled and empty at the end of the day. Now more than ever, we have a responsibility to define what success is and looks like for ourselves. I design my services specifically for each individual client and/or business team. My 10+ years of high level sports competition and 20+ years working in the software/technology industry has helped me develop a personal upgrade system that allows an individual to succeed personally and within a team dynamic. Speaking in tech terms, I help you upgrade your personal operating system by addressing the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of you. For example, if you want to upgrade your operating system on your computer, you can read what the hardware requirements are. Similarly, if you have a goal or dream you want to achieve, you can find out the required thoughts, feelings, and actions to take. I help you upgrade so you can live life on your terms. After many victories and setbacks, in both sports and business, I realized my most important lesson. Many times in my life I have done something I did not enjoy thinking it would get me to a time or place when I could do something I loved. I put my dreams on hold to only experience frustration, overwhelm, and finally burnout. This setback led me to hire a coach and take a new look at how I was living my life. I quickly realized I could achieve my dreams and their were exact steps I could take that have been proven by others before me. My dream has always been to help you live your dream. I believe if you love what you do then you will be a positive influence in our world and you will bring your unique gifts and talents that only you can bring. HOW I WORK WITH YOU: I have an online coaching program, 1:1 coaching, group coaching, and corporate consulting. READY TO TAKE ACTION ON YOUR DREAMS? Reach out to me directly here on LinkedIn, E: Book a 45-minute Dream Map Session here:


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