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16 Operations

Updated: Mar 8, 2022

We are now going to create our operations plan.

It shows more of what we do day to day to deliver on the VISION | MISSION using our VALUES to drive our behaviour and help us make great decisions for the people that we serve.





Here is your one picture operations plan

To follow is simply the next level in detail of what we have above in the picture above.

Each department of your business as shown in the picture above has a mini VISION | MISSION | STRATEGIES for each area.

Research & Development Department

Book | eBooks

Thought Leadership

Articles | Blogs | Media

This is where you write your philosophy then turn that philosophy into a book and eBook.

To do that you need to research and develop your concepts, test the market and create product and services from that research.


This will initially include Book and eBooks (with online program products).

Please Note

That from that book you would use that to create newsletters, blogs, social media posts and repurpose the book content for all webinars, interviews, speeches and to create online programs.


This will attract at least $5,000 and amount to 2% of total revenue.


1. Develop marketing plan for the book | online programs

2. Develop promotional plan for the book | online programs

3. Distribute books | eBooks | online programs

4. Sell online through website directly

5. Make available through Amazon and Kindle (KDP)

6. Achieve Number 1 Best Seller Status to launch

7. Apply to the IPPY Awards and become an Award Winning Author in your category ($75 per category). Receive Award Winning Author status on your biography, business cards, banner and website.

Key Note Speaking Department

You now take your book and create talks from your point of view to educate the market about your business and how you help people.


To speak at least 2 events in the next year.

To work overseas and get International Speaker status on your biography, business cards, banner and website.


This will generate at least 4% of revenue, which will amount to $10,000.


1. Attend networking opportunities to feed database. Other sources of data from social media, word of mouth, recommendations, articles, key note speaking, PR.

2. Database Development – Free Speaking Opportunities

3. Database Development – Professional Conference Organisers (PCOs) Speaking Opportunities

4. Sales Call

5. Email Marketing

6. Sales Call (follow up)

7. Meeting (face to face) or do a Free Introductory Session

8. Close (Agreement developed and confirmed from original Proposal or Discussion Paper)

9. Date confirmation

10. Invoice/Confirmation of date and other details

11. Logistics

12. Delivery

13. Follow up to loop back around

Coaching Department


To attract and retain at least 9 clients at $3000 per package for 6 sessions.


This will attract at least $27,000.00 and amount to 11% of revenue.


1. Attend networking opportunities to feed database. Other sources of data from social media, word of mouth, recommendations, articles, key note speaking, PR.

2. Database Development – Free Speaking Opportunities

3. Database Development – Professional Conference Organisers (PCOs) Speaking Opportunities

4. Sales Call

5. Email Marketing

6. Sales Call (follow up)

7. Meeting (face to face) or do a Free Introductory Session

8. Close (Agreement developed and confirmed from original Proposal or Discussion Paper)

9. Date confirmation

10. Invoice/Confirmation of date and other details

11. Logistics

12. Delivery

13. Follow up to loop back around

Events Department

Once you have created your philosophy and put it into a book and keynote speeches and talks you then sell from stage your events, trainings, workshops, seminars, classes, courses and online programs.

Business to Consumer (B2C)

When the client pays you directly, we like to call this emotional money.


This will include a range of activities; training, workshops, retreats and strategic partners.


This will attract at least $133,705 and amount to at least 53% of revenue.

Business to Business (B2B)

When a company pays you directly, it is not their money personally, it is the company paying who they work for.


This will include a range of corporate in-house training events.


This will attract at least $71,500 and amount to at least 29% of revenue.


1. Attend networking opportunities to feed database. Other sources of data from social media, word of mouth, recommendations, articles, key note speaking, PR.

2. Database Development – Free Speaking Opportunities

3. Database Development – Professional Conference Organisers (PCOs) Speaking Opportunities

4. Sales Call

5. Email Marketing

6. Sales Call (follow up)

7. Meeting (face to face) or do a Free Introductory Session

8. Close (Agreement developed and confirmed from original Proposal or Discussion Paper)

9. Date confirmation

10. Invoice/Confirmation of date and other details

11. Logistics

12. Delivery

13. Follow up to loop back around

Please note the process is the same no matter what you are doing. This is a sales pipeline that has been developed and fine-tuned over 20 years of sale experience. Use it as a starting point, but look at your process and see what stages and steps you go through with a potential client to finalise and close a sale.

At Becoming the Expert, we think that a sale is not a sale till the money is in your account. We see practitioners often talking about things that could happen, might happen, potentially happen. That is all just pre-sales. We teach that you have potential sales opportunities and actual sales opportunities and then you have closed sales prior to payment and then you have payment. Once you have payment, you have made a sale.

3 Day Retreats | Bootcamp Events


Promote the 3-day Retreat


Objective is to sell the event at $1500 | $3000 | $5000 with a free coaching offer and include the online program (Year 2).


The process is the SAME as listed previously

Two Day Training Events


Promote the two-day Retreat


Objective is to sell the event at $995 | $1500 | $2500 with a free coaching offer and include the online Program.


The process is the SAME as listed previously

One Day Training Events


Promote one-day workshop.


The objective is to sell books as well as promote the Retreat with a special offer.


The process is the SAME as listed previously

Half Day Workshop Events


Promote half day training session.


The objective is to sell books as well as promote the Retreat with a special offer.


The process is the SAME as listed previously

2 Hour Workshop Events


Promote two-hour session.


The objective is to sell books as well as promote the Retreat with a special offer.


The process is the SAME as listed previously

One Hour Workshop Events


Promote Lunch n Learn one-hour sessions.


The objective is to sell books as well as promote the Retreat with a special offer.


The process is the SAME as listed previously

These are various event versions of your book (based on your philosophy) now turning into LIVE Events.

These are the types of events we tend to do, see if you have other LIVE Events and add them in.

Administration Department

Marketing Division

Now we need to determine what marketing activities would suit you and which ones are worth doing that give you a result rather than wasting time and money.

Here are our suggestions.


Webinars are great as you can create your own but also look to go on other peoples’ webinars, podcasts, webcasts, radio programs and TV programs. Other peoples’ webinars are great it saves time and money, because they already have an audience. They need content, you need an audience. A match made in heaven.

If you are going to do your own, create a list of webinars you could design for your website and social media platforms. A list of topics is a good place to start. Each book chapter is a stand-alone webinar – just saying.

If a webinar is pre-recorded, we recommend iMovie - you can add your slides over audio and video and swing back and forth from you talking and your slides, it’s awesome and easy! iMovie is for Apple users, so there would be something similar for non-Apple users, just ask.

Note: We can also do Audio Recordings from your phone. We use GarageBand to add music and create a professional download for your website. A few of my clients have additional resources available for their clients, like meditations for example and the link is only provided in their book, so only people purchasing the book, will know that there is a link. It is invisible to everyone else.


Work with strategic partners on webinar opportunities to increase profile and attract suitable clients to database.


Offer free webinars as a marketing tool to attract enquiries to the website or direct to clients ready to buy.


Create database of webinar opportunities that need content that have an existing audience that contains your avatar | ideal client | strategic partner.

Online Programs


To develop and promote online programs based on your books, keynotes and training programs.


You can create your online programs through and or (there are loads of options), these three are popular. However, I have just put up 4 online programs into which is FREE.

Udemy is an amazing sales and marketing global portal for you but you’ll have a low price point and focus on volume.

At Teachable and Thinkific, focus on this being direct from your website and high quality and higher price point.

Both online programs are priced differently from $199 and upwards from $295 - $1995, promoted through website, email and social media.


Replicate all LIVE Programs into ONLINE Programs using video, handouts, workbooks, guides, downloadable notes and audio files, transcriptions and links to other resources when necessary.

Here is an example of what your online product offerings could look like.

The more you offer, the more hands on you have to be, the higher the price. If you are completely hands off, then a low price is warranted.

We recommend you include the last three on the list above to enhance the customer experience and lift the results your participants get out of doing your program.

The statistics on low price online programs, are the students buy and then don’t act. At Becoming the Expert, we would prefer the student does the work and has a great experience. So, build something that people want to actual do. So, accountability is vital and connection will ensure a raving fan and someone that recommends your services.

Strategic Partners


Attract 10 viable strategic partners. These are people who do not do what you do but you have the same or similar avatar (ideal client). We call these partnerships non-compete relationships. You know you have a strategic partner when it is reciprocal.


You probably already have 3 strategic partners. They are your friends, family, colleagues, past clients, industry experts etc. Make sure your friends and family know what you do and are educated about what you offer, otherwise they can’t refer properly or recommend you to the right people.

Current potential exists with Networks | Expos | Events | Workshops


Get clients, friends and family to recommend you to suitable networks for business as well as specifically audiences that suit you.

Plus, your own direct networking efforts and existing | past relationships.

Free Promotional Events


Look for opportunities with strategic partners to offer free key note presentations | talks.

We believe that speaking on stage is your most important job in your business. It connects real people to you like no other activity or media can do.

We see social media as a means for you to stay top of mind and go deeper as you build relationships. But speaking positions you as an expert in your field of excellence.

If you are not up there speaking then you are just one of the many exhibitors, advertisers, posting on social media, adding to the noise.

Now is not the time to be the world’s best kept secret.

Now is your time to shine and reveal yourself to the world.

Scary – sure! Worthwhile – absolutely!

Speaking allows you to stand out. Speaking allows you for a short period of time to be the Divine Gateway. Allow the Universe to speak through you.


The objective is to attract new clients to website or direct enquiries.


Get clients, friends and family to recommend you to suitable networks for business as well as specifically female audiences.

Plus, your own direct networking efforts and existing | past relationships.

Social Media


Create Facebook | LinkedIn campaign and schedule through Creator Studio for Facebook and Instagram for example prior to the book launch.


To generate direct enquiries as well as to increase LIKES, COMMENTS and FOLLOWS.

As you know, this is called engagement but it doesn’t always turn into revenue, so don’t waste time, money, effort in getting engagement that will never turn into business for you.

We recommend you focus your limited time and money into speaking and only spend 5-10% of your time and money doing social media.

Over the next 3 – 6 months of the program, we go through in detail, how to set everything up, design and schedule everything on all the platforms that you have chosen for your market. As well as monitor your results, track and measure what you are doing on social media.


Here is a list of options you could create a strategy around.

What ones might work for you best?

Facebook is B2C (Business to Consumer) – have fun and be social

LinkedIn is B2B (Business to Business) – educate and be professional. Make sure your Profile is up to date and as much filled in as possible. Also your Company Page will be setup and you will be able to promote your thought leadership there.

Instagram (Consumer) (Owned by Facebook) so will probably just merge into one application. Instagram is important now, so if you have Facebook you must have Instagram.

Twitter – have a play with it, could be good but the others above might be more important at the moment. If you are on LinkedIn, then you can have your posts automatically going to Twitter at the same time. So, may as well. Twitter in the US is huge, but for some reason it didn’t take off in OZ quite as much.

Snapchat – growing and you must be willing to have fun here.

Google My Business and Google Pages will be setup for you. Google My Business is important and gives you great real estate on the web. It is that right hand side of a google search, which is essential that you claim it and keep it up to date as part of your branding.

Google+ has been deleted by Google in April 2019. However you must have a Google account. When you register with Google, use your proper branded email, not just your domestic email which you might be currently accessing Google with. You will use this to sign up to Google Analytics and connect Google to your WIX Website. You and Google need to be friends.

YouTube is owned by Google and accessed through your Google Account. Setup a YouTube Channel for your business and upload all your videos to your YouTube Channel and use those links to add them to your Blogs on WIX Website. NOTE: If you do not want your videos on YouTube, you can just load them up onto your WIX Website and control access to them through your WIX Membership Site.

YouTube and/or Vimeo- setup your accounts ready to go, as we will be teaching you how to film everything you do and you need a place to put your videos, so you can share them on social media.

Pinterest – see if it’s for you, not necessary for everyone.

Zoom – setup your accounts as you are going to do all your webinars and online Discovery Sessions here so you can record them, for a variety of reasons. 40% of people are VISUAL so let them see you and build stronger relationships.

Messenger– is the up and come darling of the digital world. Make sure your Facebook Messenger account is open and setup and start to use it as much as possible instead of your phone. Use it to text clients, call and video calls. It might just take over the world and that’s all we will be using. It could get rid of email in the near future. Get across it.

Facebook Live – has grown in popularity and you need practice, but get ready to be good at this skill. is if you want to do a digital magazine or put your eBook up so it looks professional. Not an important issue, but in case you run a business that doesn’t produce long magazine type things, then this could be worth a look.

iMovie for webinars with slides – it is free with your computer/laptop from Apple, so take a look and see if you can learn it. We will help you, when you get to that point.

At you know, we could go on and on about the digital landscape, but we don’t want to overwhelm you anymore than most business people already are. The above list is enough for now. Get on and get that done and we will help you master social media so you know what you need to know for your industry and your business.



Respond to requests for articles.


One objective is to get PR nationally and internationally through print media, radio, TV, digital media (blogs, vlogs etc). That benefits from hearing about your philosophy. When you have a book, and are a speaker you get more PR opportunities. Without a book, you are not an expert. The media want to talk to experts, so make sure you have a book and plenty to say on your topic of expertise.


Use for media opportunities.

Register for FREE and each day you will receive requests from the media. Choose one or two per week that fit your expertise and apply as regularly as you can or want to.

Respond only to appropriate call outs in your field of excellence.

You can repurpose your responses for your website blog if the media don’t use you. You can share on your social media and website any media you get, which is great for your profile.

Processes and Systems

Roll your eyes.

Go ahead, we know you think this is the boring bit, but it is important because it saves you plenty of time, money, effort.

Setup your processes and systems correctly and efficiently and you have time to deliver your genius to the world.

Here are all the things we will set you up with easily and effortlessly with our aim being to save you time money and effort.

For now, write down what you are currently using:

Bookkeeping Strategy

I recommend

An Australian company that is simply awesome. Designed for our type of business (freelancer | self-employed)

$20 per month and you get everything you could possibly need.

File Management Strategy

Dropbox is free and good for sharing files with others, especially big files. When you need more space purchase at $152.90 per year for a 2TB. I don’t use Google Drive or OneDrive, but I have them, just in case.

Database Strategy

WIX is included in your WIX Website price

Email Marketing Strategy

WIX Newsletter (called Shout Outs) is included with your WIX website.

Website Strategy

Wix $350 a year ($29 - $40 per month) or wait for a 50% discount deal (happens regularly throughout the year)

Wix is included in this program at no additional charge and includes training you in the program, so you can do minor amendment and updates yourself.

WordPress needs to be outsourced to another provider, it is more complex and needs a developer/designer to manage things, and needs ongoing financial commitment. It is not included in this program. If you know WordPress, and prefer it, then I will support you with your content, but you will need to do the backend yourself.

Invoicing Strategy

Stripe is incorporated into WIX website and allows for all credit card payments.

PayPal and Stripe is what I use through your WIX website.

Avoid Merchant Facilities – they are too expensive. The others you just pay for what you need.

Online Shopping Cart Strategy

WIX website can include an online shopping cart and users can incorporate Stripe for credit card payment and also have available PayPal.

Outsourcing Strategy

Use and for all your marketing needs like logo design, database creation, Facebook banners, editing, proofing, photo edits and so on.

All this is included in this program at no additional cost and includes training you in how to do your own design collateral, moving forward.


Graphic Design Strategy

USE the DIY to create your own posters, social media posts and stuff. You will be trained in how to use this, however it will all be done for you, as part of this program initially.

I highly recommend you pay the $13 per month for the PRO version. It is all you will need to design everything for your business.

Online Program Strategy

Use to create your own online programs easily. They do all the sales and marketing plus you can also sell directly and get a bigger cut. Plus Thinkific and/or, but I am now using which is FREE if you choose that structure.

SEO Strategy

(Search Engine Optimisation)

We use the SEO inside of our WIX website back end.

My client Sue Blatchford from PayPerClick is our resident expert for all things Digital Marketing, specifically SEO. Now that her book is released, you can get yourself a copy and learn the inside details of the digital world – the good, the bad and the ugly.

Make sure you have setup Google My Business as well, so you appear on the right hand side of a google search.


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International Speaker | Award Winning Author | Business Mentor

Katrena Friel acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the traditional custodians of the land, we acknowledge the Darkinjung people of the Central Coast of NSW Australia nation and that the land we work on was never ceded. 

© 2000 - 2023 Becoming the Expert with Katrena Friel

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