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In the Webinar, Katrena Friel will go through the 7 Steps for Refreshing Success and we will have a fun, informative high energy session.
You will walk away feeling refreshed, empowered, confident that you have a new deep understanding of your capability, more assured around how to add more value and guarantee your future, with an increased sense of self belief and self value. The concepts are designed to help leaders succeed in their chosen field of excellence.
Here is what one CEO had to say..... “Well, What can I say – The pleasure was all mine. I always had my transformer plugged in but you just turned the power on and gave me a good jolt of 240 volts. I love it.” Graham, CEO, Sydney, Australia
At Refresh we support Creative, Courageous Thought Leaders to fulfill their vision and build outstanding teams. Katrena delivers innovative and powerful programs that allows leaders to instantly walk away with absolute clarity.
Katrena is an expert with over 25 years of experience in understanding people and what makes them tick. So if you want to be INSPIRED, ALIGNED and ACTIVATED, then Refresh your Thinking with Katrena at our next FREE WEBINAR.
Sign up for your FREE coaching session and together we will create brand-new refreshing results in your career | business | life.